Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Who did Obama offend with his bow?

The embarrassing display by President Obama and his reverent, if not obedient bow to King Akihito of Japan was a lot of things to a lot of people, but mostly, it was a slap in the face to a country who has stood on justice and freedom for all.   So, with  his disgusting display of obedience, who might he have pissed off?

WWII Veterans - Simply the greatest generation in our history was rebuked for the blood they shed in places like Okinawa, Saipan, Tarawa, Iwo Jima, Pearl Harbor, Midway, etc...   We're not too sure what he was bowing so ceremoniously for, but one has to assume that this liberal demagogue is STILL apologizing for dropping the bomb.  I was in Nagasaki about 2 years ago and believe me, we have NOTHING to apologize for.  They're pretty much over it, and for those who aren't, well, they're doing a great job of revisionist history to lie to themselves.  At the Nagasaki museum, there was no mention of what caused the "Great War" to start, but plenty to talk about why it should never be dropped again.  I can live with latter, even though they brought it upon themselves.  What was conspicuously missing was the utterly unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor, the Bataan Death March and the completely barbaric treatment of our POW's.   Even still, I found the place to be quite charming and the people were gracious and hospitable to a fault.  It's a wonderful place and it's probably safe to say that they're over it and just wanting to move on and pretty much have.  The museum, by the way, was practically empty when we Americans got there.  Even the Japanese understand revisionist history when they see it. 

Well, apparently Obama and his crack staff didn't do all that good of a job researching all of this, which leads me to to my next group that was probably offended....

THE Japanese.   Let's start with the obvious, his bow was clunky and done completely incorrectly, which in of itself, suggests disrespect...but I think the Japanese people are smart enough to know when they have a rank amateur on their hands, which has been readily apparent when the common guffaws of Joseph Biden's prodigal son, (Barack Obama in case you were wondering) steps onto the world stage.   The worst that probably happened is they got a good laugh at someone who is ignorant in the world around him. 

Long debate has been brewing in Japan as to the relevance and necessity of an Empirical family, which is viewed more as state representation than having any say in governing.  The democratic process in Japan has completely replaced the former monarchy system, with most of the country never having to serve under Empirical control.   With this said, so much reverence being displayed to a purely symbolic leader who's daddy thrust them into a War that ended so brutally, has to be wondering what parallel universe they must be in.  This is the supposed leader of the free world and the symbol of captitalism, which parterned with Japan, and emerge them from the War, to having a place as an industrial behemoth.   Weird at best.

Black America - Aren't Black American's a bit squeamish over this subservient attitude and wasn't Obama supposed to be the one that showed what true black leadership is capable of?  Is this one of the end results?  Since when did Nelson Mandela ever bow to anyone?  Did Jesse Owens dip the flag to Hitler?  NO!!  He held it high in the air with one hand.   Martin Luther King knew his life would probalby end in the way it did, but he courageously knew that his strength of action would create a better Nation.  This whole apologist approach shouldn't be surprising because that's how Black America has been tuned to believe that's how we do business with each other. White apologists seem to get further in the black community than standing on principle and EQUAL rights to all. So does it seem really all that surprising that this President acts in the same capacity?  

This is a step back in the progress of leadership in America regardless of what color you are.  The Blogs are LIT UP with protest, regardless of political or racial deference, to this embarrassing display.  How does this portray a strong America?  Even the foreign media are taking pot shots and they love his apologetic attitutde.  GREAT!!  Now the guys that were on our side...are now making fun of us.

Now that I think of it....maybe it is best to send Uncle Joe Biden in to warm the political waters for our country.  He just says stupid stuff.  He doesn't make a COMPLETE buffoon out of himself.   This administration isn't smart enough to the use the one chip that will keep them out of trouble on the foreign stage, Hillary Clinton.  WOW....I'm now rooting for the "cankle" queen to rise up and take control!  See what kind of weirdness happens with one bow??

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