Tuesday, October 27, 2009

San Francisco declares WAR on Immigration law and order!

Let's just say for arguments sake that a certain high powered national politician from San Francisco, waaay back in May 2005 co-sponsored legislation that went a little like this:  Americans are frustrated with our lack of border security and our inability to control illegal immigration.......Make no mistake, this is not an amnesty bill. We are not here to reward law-breakers, and any accusations to the contrary are patently untrue.   Furthermore, in election year rhetoric, this same high powered national politician from San Francisco stated on October 26, 2008:    While some in the hard core pro-immigrant community will no doubt push to kill any bill that does not include a path to citizenship, hopefully they will realize after two prior failures that the only way we will improve the immigration system is to accept compromise.   Would you say that this politician respects the law of the land and would represent the will of her constituency?   Would it be fairly safe to say that there is some semblance of reason and a willingness to protect the law abiding LEGAL residents of this country?

Fast forward to October 26, 2009 and those kooky, crazy liberals are having some fun in the rave party that is San Francisco City Hall!  Seems as if it's not good enough that illegal immigration is sucking the life blood out of the state of California and possibly making it go bankrupt, but now the Board of Supervisors have overturned a law enacted by Mayor Gavin Newsome (D) in which juvenile illegal aliens are deported when they commit a crime and providing safe haven to other illegals that report criminals and criminal activity.   As Mayor Newsome put it, the Board of Supervisors "perverted" the law and created an extreme safe haven for illegal's to basically do what they want in this country.  Of course there are some that contest that San Francisco has pushed hard to extract themselves from the union, but that's a different matter altogether. 

The prime sponsor of the Board of Supervisor's legislation is none other than a previous illegal alien, David Campos.  Mr. Campos apparently can't seem to discern the difference between what illegal activity is and the rights of those who don't participate in illegal activity.   The very fact that Mr. Campos is here seems to justify his view of the boundaries being stretched as to what criminal activity is.  In his jaded his view, he now has fellow enablers (by an 8-2 vote) that will thumb their nose at the laws of this country.  He has painted this as some sort of Rockwellian portrait of families sitting by the table sitting down to Sunday dinner and being ripped apart by a system that is victimizing the fact that they're simply illegals trying to make their lives better.  Could Mr. Campos and his fellow crack smoking liberals be further detached form reality?  These are criminals that committed a crime by being here in the first place and then exacerbating it by committing another crime!  Furthermore, he has given protection to the criminals by providing a safe harbor to those the original law was intended to combat.  

So, getting back to that certain high powered national politician from San Francisco.  I wonder where she will sit on this legislation?  I wonder if she truly believes that "We are not here to reward law-breakers" and that she is truly willing to stop the insane policies of the liberal enclave she has helped to build.  I truly wonder who the real thugs are?  The criminals doing the crimes themselves or the system that enables them?  At what point to does the federal government begin to take back our country by enacting laws that protect the ones that are here legally, and stop empowering those who aren't.  At least Mayor Newsome has the common sense to understand the difference between social activism and enabling criminal activity.  Apparently that line does not exist in 8 of the 10 minds that were elected to the Board of Supervisors for San Francisco county.  That hefty a plurality should be troubling enough to the constituents of that city.  Maybe now the outrage might shift the insane politics of San Francisco to some sort of moderate profile that RESPECTS law abiding citizens for once.

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