Monday, October 26, 2009


As I was enjoying my morning coffee, for some inexplicable reason, I decided to check out the latest Communist News Network (CNN) branch of the Obama Administration website.  Directly from the CNN Money site, in big bold letters was the headline:

Jobs outlook brightens

National Association for Business Economics says more U.S. firms are planning to hire and increase investment in the next six months.

WOW!!  Praise GOD!  We're out of the woods and we're headed back on the path of prosperity with a promise of health insurance for every man, woman and child regardless of citizenship!!   New cars for everyone!!  Mortgages, schmortgages....that's for people who work for a living.  Anyone making over 100k will take care of everyone else.  The new Reich....err.....I mean...the new order is in full bloom!!   Next up, marijuana legalization and alternative lifestyle education for every child in public education!! 
Unfortunately, this is the part where the sound effect of the record skipping happens...brrrrrrrrppppp.....or for those that are more inclined to relate to a Bugs Bunny cartoon.....WHAAAAA, WHAAAAA, WHAAAAAA!!!   Not so fast folks.  Let's take a look at what the NABE REALLY said:
The key part CNN failed to report was that according to the same NABE site, The unemployment rate is forecast to rise to 10 percent in the first quarter of next year and edge down to 9.5 percent by the end of 2010.  The business outlook is quite muted, with moderate gains expected and a slow recovery in process, but certainly not the big bold headlines that CNN put on their site.  A key element of the CNN article, which was hugely cherry picked for it's vaguenss, never made a mention of exact jobless numbers.  A closer look at the paragraph states: 
The National Association for Business Economics said the number of employers planning to hire workers over the next six months exceeded the number expecting job cuts for the first time since the recession began in December 2007. 
So if you break this down, the article is accurate, but clearly taken out of context to meet the agenda needs of the Obama New Order Gestapo.   So, if a .3% increase from 9.8% jobless rate over the next 15 mos. is what you call a bright outlook, well, this administration is for you!!

Just for kicks and the time I've written this article, the DOW has dropped 100 points....I'm just saying.....

1 Comentário:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for breaking it down for the rest of us! Keep them coming! I enjoy reading your point of view.

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